Last Dives in Utila

The last day of diving is always poignant. It is all coming to an end. No more frolicking with the fish in the water. No more relaxing and rocking with the surge. No more sharing fish tales with fellow divers.

Juvenile Blue Tang

Juvenile Blue Tang

We dive Paradisio for our first dive.  The water feels cold as I back roll off the boat.  I have the camera on the dive.  As soon as we descend we spot a Honeycomb Cowfish. We slowly zig-zag along the wall taking pictures, pausing to look at unusual formations, just enjoying the scenery. Two eagle rays are spotted but they are too far away to get pictures. Later a turtle is spotted and I kick hard to the front of the group. Our dive master from Grand Turk taught us to swim at the same level or below turtles. They will not view us as a threat as long as we are not above them. I swim low and parallel to the turtle to take pictures.

Sea Pearl

Sea Pearl

Our second dive is at Diamond Caye. There is a French Angelfish who likes divers at the location. The fish swims in amongst the group hovering over the sand floor of the ocean.  I discover more Sea Pearls on this dive. They look like metallic balls, or ball bearings, hiding in the coral. Every dive brings new sights. I see Bulb Tunicates and get Murray to take a picture. We check the “Reef Creature” book to identify it. Murray and I drift around under the boat not wanting to end the dive. We are the last ones in the boat.

Bulb Tunicates

Bulb Tunicates

As we motor back to the dock, everyone is reminiscing about all the sea life they have spotted this week. We are sad to go home and leave this magical world of under the water.

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