Jig Saw Complete

We need to purchase tickets for the intervening three legs of travel. After a night in Kolkata we plan to go to Darjeeling and after our trip into Bhutan we want to go, to and from, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. All ‘local flights’ but I am concerned there are a limited number of seats each day and, what to us seems like, an unlimited number of people that could fill those flights. So, if we want to fly on specific days we should be diligent and book the flights early.

As soon as the long flights from Canada to Kolkata were booked we let our credit card cool down and got back on the internet to see how we could fit in the last pieces to our transportation puzzle.

It was simple. Typed ‘Kolkata to Darjeeling flights’ into the Google search bar and landed on mapsofindia.com. All the possible flights and airlines were listed. We picked the one wanted and bingo we got our flight. Repeated the process for the return tickets to Point Blair, ease the last piece into place and the transportation picture is complete.

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