House Renovations and Blogging

Staples pulled from floor by Debbie while Murray was galavanting around town.

Staples pulled from floor by Debbie while Murray was gallivanting around town.

We have been rather negligent with our blog and hope to reacquaint ourselves with the blog and our Africa trip next week after our new flooring is in place.

After 20+ years, our carpet was looking rather sad.  It was time to refresh. Little did we know the beast we unleashed.  Thankfully it was only a medium sized beast. This beast includes carpet and luxury vinyl tile, wall, window frame and door paint, exterior door paint, door hardware, light switches and plug ins and plates and paint for a few sets of shelves.  Luckily it did not include new kitchen cabinets or a new bathroom.

Murray and I have to admit that we have enjoyed this process.  We painted the upstairs of the house and it was fun working together and seeing our progress. We are in the middle of ripping out the old lino, ceramic tile and carpet.  This is very hard manual labour and we are both hurting.  Murray’s elbows and my shoulder. I am going to be glad when the hard work is over. Only a couple more days.

Ripping out the existing lino and underlay in our kitchen and dining room.

Ripping out the existing lino and underlay in our kitchen and dining room. (Whitish lino around edges. The yellow is the previous owner's lino)

The flooring guys come on Monday and it should take 3, maybe 4, days to install the new flooring.  Then it is installing baseboards and putting the house back together. This is the fun part for me as we get to redecorate. We changed the colour scheme from earth tones to grey tones, so  this is our chance to do everything different.

Our new red front door!

Our new red front door!

Be patient with us, we will be back and talking about Africa soon. We also have a camping trip, ending in Lethbridge, planning for mid August. Stay tuned…………

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