Today is our first dive day in Roatan. We fell asleep early last night due to travel fatigue and we wake up early and eager to dive.
Once we arrive at Coconut Tree Divers, we learn a new dive shop routine. We don our wetsuits at the shop and walk the rest of our gear across the street and onto the boat. We set up our own gear on the tanks assigned to us. My tanks are easy to pick out as they are the small ones.
We visit with the other divers on the 15 minute drive to the dive site. Most, if not all, of the divers on the boat are from Canada. Guess word has gotten out about Roatan across Canada.
After a short dive briefing, we get ready and giant stride into the water. Although we don’t have to hurry, it still feels rushed to get ready at the same time as everyone else. There are eight divers plus the dive master in our group. A few too many for my liking, but Murray and I make it work by hanging at the back of the pack, a trick we learned many years ago from some very experienced divers we met in Tobago.
We are swimming along the edge of the wall when the group sees what we think is a Mobula Ray. (There is discussion about if it is a Manta Ray and we will have to get an experts opinion.)

Our first day under the waves is filled with reintroducing ourselves to that wonder floating feeling in a liquid and to discovering new and old fish friends.

We also meet some new dive friends and enjoy ourselves chatting with various folks on the boat.

Once back at the dock, we lug our wet gear back across the street (well, one of the dive masters carried mine for me!), rinse it out and hang it to dry. I was somehow expecting a little more service, but it’s okay, it’s always good to not be pampered too much!
Can’t wait for tomorrow’s adventures on the reef!