Day Two in the Current

Today I take my camera diving. Taking photos in the current is…..challenging. By the time I spot something cool (like a huge turtle), decide I should take a shot, zoom, I’m by it already. Then I figured out I can hide behind large outcroppings where there is no current. That works quite well, but the fish are very shy.

Lembongan, Indonesia

The current speeds up and slows down, so I pay attention for when the current slows and turn my camera and light on in preparation for some picture taking.

Nudibranchs, Lembongan, Indonesia
A Nudibranch have have not seen before!

It usually takes me a few days to get reacquainted with my camera and light again, and this trip is no different. I take many too dark shots, but there are a few excellent shots, mostly of critters that do not move much.

I will keep practising!

Nudibranchs, Lembongan, Indonesia
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