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Category Archives: Cozumel
It’s Saturday
It’s Saturday morning. Big day today, Murray’s 200th dive. To celebrate this milestone, Pumba takes us to Columbia, a more advanced dive with many swim throughs. Deep, curvy, twisty, sloped ones. We pass a turtle in one of them. It … Continue reading
The Art of Diving
We dive with many different people while on dive trips. Each day Murray, R, B and I are the constants and a plethora of other divers from all over the world come and go. Divers from Costa Rica, Spain, Germany, … Continue reading
Boo Hoo
Boo Hoo. It is time to leave. Today we get in the boat for the last time. Our dive master has a cold and his son, Dennis, is our new leader. He gives us the choice of where we want … Continue reading
Cozumel Budget Analysis
We made it home to the melting snow, dirty streets and cool temperatures. Laundry is done. Dive gear is rinsed and put away. Wetsuits are still drying. Time for the post trip budget analysis. I can safely say we did … Continue reading
Cozumel Photos
The photos from our Cozumel dive trip are now posted on our blog! From the blog Home page, click on Photos and then on Cozumel, Mexico 2013. Click on the first photo and advance through them by clicking on Next. … Continue reading