I dehydrate some more chicken. Bake it, cut is in small strips and then dehydrate it. I start it in the morning and watch it carefully. I stop dehydrating when the chicken is still bendy but looks very dry. (A note: I think I would dehydrate it longer so it changes to a darker color. I am not sure all the water came out and if the conditions were right, it would spoil in a hot backpack.)
To rehydrate it, I add water to the ziploc and let it sit all day. By supper time, it had lost its dry look and the color was back to what cooked chicken should look like.
I make a small batch of chicken soup with chicken bouillon, dried veggies, rice noodles and the rehydrated chicken. The chicken was chewy but perfectly edible. Murray and I decide that this soup was one that we could take backpacking with us.