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Tag Archives: travel budget
Budget Analysis (Warning: May put you to sleep!)
After paying for our safaris, flights and most of our hotels, we calculate how much cash we need to take with us to Africa. We create a fairly in-depth cash budget. It is an excel spreadsheet with each day we … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged Botswana, Tanzania, travel budget
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11 Sleeps…
I can feel our departure date looming, so I start counting sleeps. 11 sleeps. We are attending to our many lists. The “Before Leaving” list is mostly crossed off except for the items that need doing on the last few … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing, Tanzania and Botswana
Tagged packing, packing lists, travel, travel budget, travel planning, trip planning
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Travel Budgets
The budget template that we use is now a page under the Packing Lists menu item. This budget helps us determine how much money (cash, travelers cheques etc) we will need once we leave home. It usually does not include … Continue reading