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- Utila, Honduras
- West Coast Trail
Tag Archives: Shikoku Island
Singapore, Indonesia and Japan Photos
I have finally posted photos of our travels through Singapore, Indonesia and Japan in the fall of 2019. To view photos, hover over “Photos” until the drop down menu appears. All three destinations are are under the “Asia” subheading. Hover … Continue reading
Off the Tourist Track
Today we spend most of the day driving from the middle of Shikoku Island to the city of Matsuyama on the west coast. We get off the tourist track by following less traveled routes. The roads are winding and sometimes … Continue reading
Posted in Japan
Tagged Hiroshima, Japan, Kazurabashi Hotel, Matsuyama, Shikoku Island
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The Iya Valley
Today we start our drive across Shikoku Island. We leave Tokushima about 10:00 and slowly make our way into the forest and up in elevation. As we climb, the road gets curvy and the mist gets thicker. The vegetation is … Continue reading
And Now We Are Five
Debbie and I started this trip at the beginning of September, just the 2 of us. Last week L & R joined us. When we picked up the car we found a tour guide came with it. So we are … Continue reading
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge
We stay at Guesthouse Geragera in Kobe the night of the typhoon. We have a great view of the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. R and I are, of course, fascinated with it. Here is a day in the life of the bridge. … Continue reading