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Tag Archives: Quito
Impressions of Ecuador
Impressions of Ecuador Ecuador is not third world. Not exactly sure how this rating system is applied but I would have to guesstimate Ecuador would rate as second world. The infrastructure condition and the amount of available amenities are not … Continue reading
High Altitude in Quito, Ecuador
Quito’s elevation isĀ 2,850 m (9,350 ft) so I was preparing for some mild altitude sickness as I had experienced it when we were in Lhasa, Tibet (3,650 m or 11,860 ft). As we were standing in the Immigration line-up, we … Continue reading
Ready, Set…..and Here We GO!
An early wake up time made for a restless sleep. We are up before 5:30 showering, breakfasting and doing those last minute house items from the list. Locking windows, throwing out garbage, turning off taps. There is a certain amount … Continue reading