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Tag Archives: Germany
Denmark and Germany Photos!
Photos of our trip through Denmark and Germany are now posted! It has taken awhile to get them ready, a side trip to Bonaire didn’t help, but they are done! To view photos, hover over “Photos” until the drop down … Continue reading
Back in Copenhagen
We take a risk and fly Easyjet from Berlin to Copenhagen. Airfare was about $70. Amazingly, everything goes very smoothly, from the train ride to bus to airport, to clearing security to boarding and landing. We are diligent with their … Continue reading
Imposing Architecture
We walk from our hotel this morning towards Potsdamer Platz. It is cold outside, chilly enough that I wish I had gloves on. As we walk and gaze up at the surrounding buildings, I realize that most of the buildings … Continue reading
Berlin Day Two
It’s 4:15 pm and raining in Berlin. I bail on Murray and come back to the hotel, while he walks in the rain to see the Bauhaus Archive building and a couple of other buildings. Too wet for me. The … Continue reading
Metro Day
Debbie in the midst of a cold and not moving too fast so we plan a day on the metro. There are some things too far to walk to, like most of this city, so we work out a route … Continue reading
Stuff and Berlin
Everywhere we go both Denmark and Germany, except Dessau???, we see kids on field trips. Learning out of the school. Seeing what the world has to offer. And from what I can make they are not just one or two … Continue reading
In Search of Modern
In my humble opinion the Bauhaus and it off shoots are the root of all things ‘modern’. In the years from 1919 to 1933 the school developed a language for design of the future. The language has ebbed and flowed, … Continue reading
Up until today we have been existing in old towns, old buildings, stone everything in both Denmark and Germany. Today, when we reach Dessau, there is a noticeable difference. There are no old stone houses or old buildings (and by … Continue reading
Weimar and the Bauhaus
Weimar is a very popular spot for school kids on field trips. We have run into numerous groups of, perhaps, high school age teenagers. There is much history (literature, politics, philosophy, art and design) in the town, so it is … Continue reading
The Bauhaus Trail
For a long time I have wanted to go on this pilgrimage to follow the trail of the early 20th century design school, the Bauhaus. After a ride on the ICE train from Munich we arrive in Weimar at about … Continue reading