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Tag Archives: Brisbane
A Day in Brisbane
We arrive in Brisbane at 7:00 am. Our flight to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, is the next morning so we have decided to spend the day in downtown Brisbane. The Queensland Art Gallery (QAG) and the Gallery of Modern … Continue reading
Staying Awake in Brisbane
After an eternity of about 13 hours flying from Vancouver to Brisbane, we disembark the plane at 7:00 am local time, cruise through immigration, baggage collection and customs, dump our bags at the Ibis Brisbane Airport Hotel and ride the … Continue reading
Goodbye Australia
We flew out of Bali back into Brisbane and took the train down to the Gold Coast. We had a couple more days with M&D and enjoyed their company immensely. Walked the beach, went for coffee, had take away, talked … Continue reading
I am sitting in my son and daughter-in-law’s (M&D) dining room in Robina, Queensland. The two flights from Edmonton, through Vancouver, to Brisbane where uneventful. The 14 1/2 hour flight across the Pacific was slightly gruelling, but watching three movies … Continue reading
Reflections on Brisbane
Some thoughts on Brisbane and Queensland in general, and some bits and pieces we missed in our last few blogs. First, Chinatown. We strolled through yesterday and it was early in the morning but it was dead. I think we … Continue reading
People Watching in Brisbane
Day 2 in Brisbane. We walk and ride the train and walk and ride the CityHopper and walk and visit the Gallery of Modern Art and the Queensland Art Gallery and walk and ride the Hop on Hop Off Bus … Continue reading
After enough hugs to last six months, we say good bye to M&D and drive north to spend a few days in Brisbane before our flight home. We are staying at a motel near the airport to make our departure … Continue reading
Gold Coast to Cairns
We leave M&D today and fly to Cairns. D is studying for and then writing her end of term exams. We did not want to interfere with her studying, so we planned a scuba dive trip on a live aboard … Continue reading
Arrived and safely too. It was a long haul from Vancouver to Brisbane. 14 hours. It was one of our better Air Canada experiences. The planes were on time, the ground staff was nice and helpful, and the in-flight crew … Continue reading