Tag Archives: Australia


Arrived and safely too. It was a long haul from Vancouver to Brisbane. 14 hours. It was one of our better Air Canada experiences. The planes were on time, the ground staff was nice and helpful, and the in-flight crew … Continue reading

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Almost Ready…..

We are mostly packed, only the last minute stuff to organize. The checked suitcase is packed, zipped closed and ready to go. The “To Do Before Leaving” list has a few items crossed out, but most of the list has … Continue reading

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Controlled Vanity

I have been struggling with what clothes to take to Australia. This is not our typical trip. It is a combination of dive, car travel and exploring, visiting family and friends and city trip. Our dive trips usually require just shorts, tees … Continue reading

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Aus Approaches

Australia is fast approaching. Don’t know how up to date we are with the blog but our son, M, and daughter-in-law, D, have moved to Australia and we are about to encroach into their space and visit. D has a … Continue reading

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