Still sitting in Starbucks

Hope to Bamberton Park

We slept last night with the tent vents wide open.  It is wonderful to sleep in the fresh air. We awoke rested and ready for the trip towards the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal and Victoria.  I snuck in a short run while Murray broke camp (ie took down the tent and packed the car). Even had a shower!  WHO HOO!

Headed to the coast and stopped at a triathlon store in South Surrey to buy Mur a De Soto beanie to protect his head in his helmet from wasps and the elements. Bought groceries and gas and headed to the ferry.  Timed it really well and we didn’t have to wait very long before we were boarding and off across the Georgia Straight.

Met a group of four ladies from Victoria on the ferry.  Two elderly ladies were caring for two even more elderly ladies.  They had come for the ferry ride – got on the ferry in Victoria, rode it to the mainland, did not get off the ferry and were heading back again.  A very lovely day for an excursion.  They had bought lunch, needed a place to sit so shared our table. Since they were all over 65 years old, the ferry ride was free so their little adventure just cost the price of lunch.  They were very charming.

We checked out MacDonald Campground right near the ferry terminal but the noise from the highway was too loud, so we headed to Brentwood Bay to take the ferry across the bay towards Mill Bay.

We got a surprise at the Brentwood Bay Ferry.  It cost $30 to take the ferry! Oh, and 40% discounted tickets are available at the store just close to the ferry.  Guess that’s what happens when we don’t do any research into where we are going.  End up paying full price for things. Lesson learned!

We are camped in a campground called Bamberton Park.  It was 47 sites, pit toilets and access to a beach.  It is a very cozy, quiet campground and only $16 a night. We would definitely stay here again.

Bamberton Park to Victoria

Murray wanted to get in a ride, so we decided that he would ride into Victoria and I would drive and we would meet up somewhere. After breakfast and packing up, Murray headed off to go north to Cobble Hill, around Shawnigan Lake Road, south over the Malat on Hwy 1 and we would meet where Hwy 1 intersects Millstream Road.  I finished packing, took a look around and left too.  I drove straight to Millstream Road looking for a Tourist Information and a Starbucks. Found a Starbucks and tried to post the last blog, but got kicked out just before I was ready to post.  I am actually getting slightly frustrated with internet access and trying to get it for free all the time.  Have to talk to my network expert (spelled son) when I get home to find out what the options are. Since I was under abit of a time constraint I just bailed and headed to the rendezvous.

Found a place to park that was visible from the road, pulled out my lawn chair and sat behind the vehicle and read. Suddenly my phone rings and it is Mur. He overshot the rendezvous and wants to confirm where I was.  Next to the fire station. He is only 3 km away so he says, stay put, I will be right there.  In no time I spotted him in his yellow jersey coming up over the road.

We were heading to My Aunt I’s house when we spotted the Juan de Fuca Recreation Center.  POOL! I had to get in a swim as part of my taper week, so we pulled in and I swam for about a half hour. My Dad was in on the design of this facility, so it was nice to swim there.

We continued on our way to my Aunt’s house and had a nice visit with her and my cousin.  Will return this afternoon for more chatter. I love visiting them as they are always laughing.

We met up with Murray’s parents and brother and friend at the Surf Motel for supper.  The Surf Motel is the only place we will stay in Victoria. It is a 1960’s style motel.  Two stories, only about 12 rooms with floor to ceiling windows that look right out onto the Georgia Straight. It is slightly dated, but the owners are slowly fixing the rooms up and it is quite lovely to stay in.

We opened the blinds this morning while still lying in bed and watched the world go by.  A cruise ship came in, 2 scuba divers went out, people walked by, rode by, ran by, drove by.

I am sitting in a laundromat right now and Murray is finding a BCAA to get a real map. Another item we forgot to look into before we left.  Traveling around Victoria without a map is an adventure!

When the laundry is done, I will head across the street to the Starbucks and try to post these two posts.  Wish me luck.

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