Sossusvlei to Swakopmund

We are on the road by 9:00 this morning as we have a six hour drive to Swakopmund. The terrain changes slowly from scrub to grassland to desert sand back to scrub back to sand. We drive through three passes, each with their own personality. A number of ostriches are spotted far into the fields. 

There is a large lagoon near Wallis Bay that we stop at to look at the flamingos. A school group of young children are making their way deeper into the lagoon on the sand and, unfortunately, scare away the birds, who move deeper into the lagoon. 

Walvis Bay

We are now close to the Atlantic Ocean and the breeze is chilly compared to the Sossusvlei desert area. There

We arrive in Swakopmund around 3:00, right on schedule, check into our hotel and go for a walk. The town is oddly set up with extra wide streets and avenues. There is no traffic and hardly any people, a ghost town almost. We think that it turns into a busy place in the summer when everyone heads to the coast to get away from the heat, but right now now it is eerie. 

Tomorrow, another long drive north towards the Skeleton Coast.

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