Our First Day Diving in Dominica

The slight bit of anxiety on the first dive day never really goes away no matter how many dives we have done. Today is no different. We have a leisurely morning and are at JC Ocean by 8:30. The dive shop is located in the Cabrits National Park. The building looks to be one of the original stone behemoths, with high steep stairs to the upper level and big double doors into the main floor area, where the dive shop holds court.

The folks, Cindy and Don, are very friendly and relaxed. We sign in, get weights and we are off to the boat. Nicroy and Frankie, the dive master and boat guy are perfect hosts, helps that there are only three guests today.

File Clam

File Clam

Each dive operator operates slightly differently. On this boat, we have to set up our gear, change the tank between dives and rinse our gear at the end of the day. Frankie does spoil me and changes my gear and helps zip up my wetsuit.

Two Curry Cave

We get reintroduced to the fish that ply the Caribbean. Juvenile drum fish, channel crabs, trunk fish, anenomes, yellow arrow crabs. It never gets boring.

By the second dive we are relaxed and enjoy ourselves by finding more creatures.

Channel Crab

Channel Crab

After rinsing our gear out, we stop at the Purple Turtle for lunch. We like to explore local, not necessarily tourist spots, were local fare can be had. Plus these places are typically less pricey. We have a quesadilla and fried chicken and chips. The positions are large and we agree to share supper. It pours rains a few times while we sit and enjoy the serene vista of the sail boats in the harbour.

From here we will settle into a routine and be lulled into relaxing until we have to board the plane in a few weeks.

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