Next Stop, Toronto

On Sunday we were in Lethbridge. Today is Wednesday, so it must be Toronto!

We are up early this morning to catch our 8 am flight to Toronto. Everything goes off without a hitch. We even time the express bus into downtown Toronto perfectly. And here we are!

We check in, have a quick lunch and dump our bags, the head out for a walk. For lunch we walk around the corner from the hotel and find the UN of restaurants. Down Dundas, east of Chestnut there are Sushi, Caribbean, Thai, Mediterranean, Vietnamese, Fresh Choice restaurants all in one short block.  We chose the Sushi and Bento Restaurant. The staff is super friendly, from the waitress, who noted we were from out of town, to the owner who held the door open for us when we left. The Rainbow Roll is plump full to bursting with goodies, we are offered miso soup on the house and are given an extra piece of sushi. What a wonderful way to start our stay in TO.

We wander down Dundas with the intention of going into the Art Gallery of Ontario. When we get there, it is crowded, very crowded. After all, it is almost 4 pm.  There is a Pablo Picasso exhibit on that ends on Sunday. We hum and haw at the $25 price tag and walk out. We will return first thing in the morning when the crowds are not so large (hopefully).

We stroll down Dundas east towards Bathurst , Chinatown Toronto style. The signage is a combination of Chinese and English sort of like Hong Kong but the street scape is definitely North American. At Bathhurst we turn south towards Queen West. The areas called West Queen West and Queen West are where the hip stores are popping up. We stop into a furniture store and wish we would win the lottery.

Ontario College of Art and Design

Ontario College of Art and Design

We stumble onto a building we have seen in “Architectural Record” magazine, so we detour down the street to see if we can go into it. It is the Ontario College of Art and Design. The architect expanded the building by creating a box supported by “pencils” over top the existing structure. It is very cool!

I thought Toronto would be very cosmopolitan, in style and dress. But as we walk, I notice that the people here do not dress any different that the folks at home. Shorts, baggy tees, flip flops, short dresses, flat shoes. There are just a few more of them.

Toronto City Hall

Toronto City Hall

We walk and walk and stop at City Hall and Nathan Phillips Square. We happen on the start of the gathering that is being held in memory of Jack Layton.  Missed Dallas Green and Martin Sexsmith! Both of whom played for free as part of the gathering.

Toronto's Old City Hall

Toronto’s Old City Hall

The Old City Hall is a commanding building rising against the modern world. The old brick buildings, whether they are houses or commercial buildings, are what makes the street landscape fascinating for me. They seem so much older that the buildings in Edmonton. The brick is dark brown to dark red colour. The detail in buildings such as The Bay building is incredible.

Flatiron Building

Flatiron Building

We wander until our feet begin to tell us it is time to find supper and head back to the hotel. We eat at the Taste of Mediterranean on Dundas and have pizza. We accidentally order a pizza that is much too large and so we have breakfast too. Murray is plotting out tomorrow while I write this. See you tomorrow.

CN Tower

CN Tower

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