Mallard Mountain Lodge

One of my favorite sayings is ‘The worst the driving the better the skiing.’ Today the driving was quite good until the BC border. As I gained an hour on the day the roads turned slick and I slowed down. There has been a lot of snow here this last week, so my theory should hold true. The only thing is the avalanche report is not the best. There seems to be some sketchy wind packed slopes that are not to be trod on. But on the shallower terrain I think the skiing will be epic.

It’s New Years Eve and everyone in the hotel seems exicited. There is a ton of noise, kids and adults. I’m hoping I get some quiet, I would rather sleep. The hotel is not very accomodating. When I checked in the fellow told me they had lots of room but when I ask to change my room so I am not so near the party he said it could not be done. Seems odd they would not want to keep me happy but the music has not yet started so maybe I won’t notice.

8am at the heli and first tracks in the backcountry for 2017 shortly afternoon. Yeha.

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