If you are ever in need of flights to or within Indonesia, do not, and I repeat DO NOT!, book with Lion Air. Try and use any other airline!
We have had nothing but trouble with them from before we left home, right up to yesterday’s flights. Cancelled flights were the most frequent infraction. We had a flight cancelled so we reworked the routing, then another flight on the same route was cancelled, so we reworked again for a day later, and then we found out the original flight was no longer cancelled. We were on board the Coralia at the time, so we just bought new tickets for the original date as that date was much better timing for connecting international flights. So frustrating!
Getting hold of the Lion Air call center in Indonesia was almost impossible. No queue of callers on hold. Just a busy signal again and again and again. We talked to someone in Singapore about a refund for the flights we trashed and have had no word from them. Their employees are not empowered to make decisions to solve issues. Although, the ladies at the Customer Service office at the Denpasar Airport have been very helpful.
Yesterday we flew three legs from Saumlaki to Ambon to Makassar to Denpasar. Our 15 liveaboard guest group made it to Makassar with no issues. We all split up there, going in different directions. Our flight to Denpasar was delayed three hours because Lion Air sent our plane to the wrong destination so we had to wait for the plane to come back again. What other airlines have that issue!!
Every time we took off or landed over the five legs we flew with Lion Air, I had my fingers crossed that we would not crash. I shouldn’t have to do that. And I won’t have to cross fingers in the future as I WILL NOT be flying Lion Air ever again!