When diving, we love to search for the small stuff, mainly nudibranchs. They are really only slugs, but they are oh so pretty slugs. They are hard to find as they are not numerous. Once you see one of a certain shape and colour, then it is easier to spot others of the same ilk.
Our first few days of diving we were not seeing many, hardly any at all really. On today’s dive, we spotted several different ones. Our eyes are getting used to what to look for or maybe they are coming out of hiding after the storm that turned the ocean into a washing machine.
The cool thing is 5 of the six different kinds we have never seen before. These new guys are all extremely colourful and quite flambouyant with the movement of the water swaying their spiny protrusions to and fro. (there is a name for those spiny protrusions but we do not have a fish book handy and damned if I can remember).
It has been quite hard to get our searching chops back as with the turbulent water we have to keep and eye on the group or we get left behind. The group moves at a reasonable pace but with only 40 ft. max visibility one has to be alert or get left behind.
Anyway, after today, I think we are getting our nudibranchs finding skills back again.