Back Inland

And the wind howls. We leave our little paradise at the Shipwreck Lodge and head to the main lodge and walk directly into the SW wind. It is strong and cold coming off the Atlantic. The wind in Soussvlei, where the temp is +30C, has a cooling affect. On the coast, where the temp in the morning is 15C, the wind makes it cold. Damn cold. We were not expecting this when we planned our trip to Namibia. Our warm layer suffices but it is still chilly.

Skeleton Coast drive

It is a long drive to where the car is parked so one must plan to leave early. We are treated to an ‘African Massage’ on the trip out. The term refers to the extremely rough roads and the stiff suspension of the 4-wheel drive vehicle and how we get bounced around as we travel at 60kph on a road suited for 20.

Jackal in Namibia

Arriving at the truck on time we head to Damaraland. As with all wild life we come across animals at random. There is movement at the side of the road. I take note and say to Debbie ‘coyote.’ First thing that came into my head. Of course, it is not a coyote. We quickly recognize the canine as a jackal. We pull up beside it and the dog isn’t concerned at all. He heads off doing exactly what it had started out to do, his nose in the air.

When we entered the Skeleton Coast National Park at the south gate the building was appropriately official and the staff although friendly were the same. On the way out at the western gate the buildings were the same however I thought the staff was kind of sketchy. No uniform, rough looking and rough talking. They did not suit the position at all. Kind of odd as it did not match the Nambian way. I thought maybe it was me but after we passed through the gates Debbie said the same thing. First sketchy people we have run into since we arrived.


The highlight of today’s journey, for me at least, is the giraffe walking along parallel to the road munching on leaves at it progressed. We stopped; I got out of the car to take a few pictures. Totally unconcerned about the presence of a human, the tall lanky animal just sauntered along enjoying lunch.

Just off the main highway we park our car in a designated lot and hitch a ride on a shuttle with a guide, Akser, from the Desert Rhino Lodge. About 2 more hours of African massaging and we arrive at a cluster of walled tents with a central large tent that serves as the living and dining area.

Again the wind howls.

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