Tag Archives: Philippines Airlines

Philippines Post Script

The people make the place and the Philippine people are great. The diving is diverse and really, really good. Debbie managed to suss out good places to stay. The one place that was disappointing on first impression we grew to … Continue reading

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Puerto Princesa, Philippines

Our day starts early. 2:35 am to be exact. This is what flying west does to us. Melatonin tonight! Murray mentioned the Philippines Airline vouchers we got yesterday. We searched for an agent on Google Maps and found none, so … Continue reading

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Apr. 22 to Apr. 24, 2024

Yup three days in just over 24 hours. We board the plane in Edmonton on Apr. 22. Left Vancouver on Apr. 23 and landed in the Philippines on Apr. 24. We should make up for that on the way home … Continue reading

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