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Tag Archives: first aid items
Minimalist First Aid Kit for San Salvador, Bahamas
We take a First Aid Kit with us everywhere we go. The size of the kit varies greatly depending on the type of trip and destination. When we went to Myanmar the kit was extensive as we did not know … Continue reading
The Mini Pharmacy
We put together our first aid kit for India today. It looks like a mini Pharmacy. Sleeping pills, sinus cold pills, imodium pills, headache pills, fever pills, allergy pills, heartburn pills. Check. Ointments for cuts, heat rash, bug bites, plant … Continue reading
First Aid Kit Packing List
We always take a first aid kit with us when we travel. The size of the kit varies greatly, depending on where we are going and how long we are away. We could probably count on one hand how many … Continue reading
Posted in Planning and Packing
Tagged first aid, first aid items, packing lists, travel first aid kits
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