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Tag Archives: Dauin
Philippines Post Script
The people make the place and the Philippine people are great. The diving is diverse and really, really good. Debbie managed to suss out good places to stay. The one place that was disappointing on first impression we grew to … Continue reading
Posted in Philippines
Tagged Cebu Pacific, Dauin, Malapascua, Manila, Philippines, Philippines Airlines, scuba diving
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Last Day of Diving in the Philippines
No words. Just photos.
Apo Island
Today is a day trip to Apo Island, about a 45 minute boat ride away. I am excited as we have heard there are turtles at this island. We have six divers and three snorkelers, plus the crew, on board. … Continue reading
Debbie’s Musings
I don’t really think of myself as old. I’m 66 and that is not old. 90 is old. This is the first trip where I am treated as old, or should I say, elderly. I guess men see my grey … Continue reading