We walk all day, up, up and up. Every step burns a calorie or two. Skiing down is also work but not too many calories are used up on the descent. Funny but I don’t think any of us are losing any weight. It may have to do with the food we eat every day.
Every breakfast is like Sunday brunch at a fancy hotel restaurant. The suppers are all like a meal prepared for a dinner party. Lunch is a little more controlled, we make our own from leftovers from the night before or the ubiquitous PB sandwiches.
Breakfast today is two courses. Two courses? Greek Yogurt mixed with almond milk, chia seeds, vanilla, Agave syrup and small bowls of nuts and blueberries, and then the frittata is extracted from the oven. It is 50 mm thick, filled with ham, spinach, potatoes, and other assorted veggies. This is a typical example of how we start each day.
If we are back at the chalet by 4:30, there on the table is an array of goodies available to take the edge off a day’s skiing and help tide us over until dinner. Cheese and crackers, nachos, or vegetables and humus are typical and somewhat more healthy than the bag of cheesies I would normally suss out.
Dinners this week have ranged from stew to vegetable stir fry on rice with peanut sate sauce, to roast beef with green beans, and roast potatoes and gravy.
We eat like kings. It is a ‘special meal’ every day. For the most part the meals have been served buffet style which to me is a great asset. I don’t eat a great volume of food and by sizing my own portions I should at least not gain weight and can still enjoy all of the wonderful dishes that are presented to us daily.