72 steps. It’s a 72 step climb from the main path up to our little abode called “Gobi” at Froggies Dive Resort on Bunaken Island. We are both breathing hard at the top, but we do not dawdle up, we hoof it. At least we are getting some exercise! The bungalow has a main room with a bed, small table and chair, low table, armoire and there is a small bathroom at the back. It is a very cozy place to wait out the heat of the day, with the AC and fan running.

Froggies is very laid back. Just what we need after the intense diving at Raja Ampat. We do two dives in the morning, come back for lunch and chill for the afternoon. The diving is mostly walls, with tabletop corals on the top of the wall in shallow water. Today we see so many turtles I loose count. There is current here and we drift along too fast to take pictures, so we just enjoy the view as it cruises by.

Froggies is on Liang Beach in a protected bay.There are other small resorts down the beach, but in our walk today, we decide Froggies is the choice. The water in the bay is ankle deep at the shore and gets quite hot midday. We walk to and from the dive boat and the water only comes up to below my knees.

We are the only native English speakers staying at the resort right now. There are divers from Germany, Switzerland, Maldives via Spain, South Korea and France and we all share the love of diving.

Speaking of languages, Murray and I are trying hard to get the Indonesian greetings correct. We say “Salamat Pagi” for good morning, but only until about 10:00. Then “Salamat Siang” from 10:00 to about 1:00, “Salamat Sore” from 1:00 to about 4:00 and then “Salamat Malam”. Goodnight/ sleep well is “Salamat Tidur”. So confusing! It has only taken a few weeks to get this straight, but we try and the locals seem to appreciate our attempts.

One more day to dive and chill here and then we relocate to another Froggies resort on Lembeh Island where muck diving is the thing to do (sand, rubble, no corals, turtle grass), where we hope to see some unusual critters. See you there.