Over the last two weeks we have been at two different resorts. I maintain we are not in Fiji. We are on Fijian soil but we are in a special place for tourists that is isolated from Fiji. Like any resort anywhere one does not really get to see what the locals are up to. Except for the local people that work here, we don’t know how the residents live.
Today we did not get on the dive boat. The weather has been marginal and we wanted to make sure I gear dried so we were not transporting Fijian water to other places. Our next stop is Australia and they are very particular about what comes into the country. We slept in a 1/2 hour or so and headed to breakfast a little late. No schedule today so might as well work on island time.
After breakfast we take the big step. We pass through the resort gates and out into the real world. The road we walk on is gravel. A few cars pass and each time they stir up a cloud dust. We pass the black beach and ponder a swim but figure the dust would stick better to a wet body than a dry one so we walk on. Our goal is the store that everyone for a few miles frequents. We know the store is there but when we passed it in the car on the way here we did not really get a good look to see what else was about and thought we might get to see part of a village or some such. Nope all that is there is the store. Nice folks that run it, a reasonable supply of staples, and a few extras like the all important bottle of Coke we need to cool us down slightly.
It is the first time we talk to any Fijians outside the tourist industry at resorts, at the airport etc. They are very friendly folks. To a person they came to us offered a handshake and told us their name, inquired if we were staying at the resort (which is kind of obvious, it is the only place around for many miles.) and offered a big smile before continuing on their way to the store trying to get there before it closes. It is Sunday and I gathered the store closes early.
Our foray does not yield much info but it was a nice walk in a very green setting. The weather is absolutely stunning. It is what we expected Fiji to be like when we left home headed for a tropical island, clear sky, brilliant sunshine, and a slight on shore breeze to keep things tolerable. Tomorrow we head to the airport city of Nadi (pronounced Nan-dy). That should give us bit more of a perspective as to what Fiji is like.