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Daily Archives: May 3, 2024
Tabbataha Reef Part 3
May 01 I think I can mention this without jinxing it. We have been diving for four days now with 20 divers and 22 staff. They all seem to be quite easy to get along with. After the last couple … Continue reading
Tabbataha Reef Part 2
April 29 More diving at the north atoll. There are many, many boats plying the Tabbataha area. We were told 14 this week. So even though I‘m pretty sure the boats coordinate where each is going to be each day, … Continue reading
Tabbataha Reef Part 1
April 27 First day on the boat. Pick up at 2.00 and on the boat by 2.30. Everybody on board. All seem quite nice. After the last two group experiences we were somewhat apprehensive. The crew is super helpful. Can’t … Continue reading